Access to after-hours primary care is a common concern for residents and staff in aged care homes. To assist with timely management and support, NWMPHN has produced a free, comprehensive toolkit for aged care home management and staff.
It allows staff to assess current preparedness, keep resident medical records up to date, prepare action plans for each, communicate with relevant family members, and compile a directory of local health, welfare and emergency services.
We encourage GPs, nurses and practices who support patients in RACHs to talk to the staff in the home about the toolkit.
The 7-piece kit comprises:
- an after-hours action planning audit tool
- a family fact sheet
- a medical support checklist
- a person-centred action plan
- an after-hours service directory
- a guide to grief and loss
- instructions on how to best use the resources.
The package is the result of consultation with the aged care sector, and collaboration with South Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network, Ambulance Victoria and Victorian Virtual Emergency Department.