North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network service in-depth: Mental Health System of Care

Stepped care model of mental health care.
  19 September 2019  NWMPHN   |   Third party content – view disclaimer


North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN) has developed a system of care aimed at ensuring access to quality services and supports across mental health, suicide prevention, and alcohol and other drug treatment services.

The NWMPHN Mental Health System of Care is based on the Australian Government’s stepped care approach to mental health that matches supports available to the individual according to their specific needs. Stepped care is defined as an evidence-based, staged system comprising a hierarchy of interventions, from the least to the most intensive, matched to the individual’s needs.

Explore our System of Care

Service navigation for the system of care is coordinated through CAREinMIND™, which provides access to a range of services targeted at specific populations and delivered by contracted organisations across the NWMPHN region. The System of Care search tool helps find the appropriate service.

More information on the Stepped Care Model, including the role of PHNs, is available in this resource from the General Practice Mental Health Standards Collaboration.

What services are available?

Well population

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At risk groups and people with mild to moderate mental illness

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People with severe mental illness

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Other services

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How do I refer?

Wellbeing Support Services can be accessed through or directly through the provider.

Targeted Psychological Services, Intensive Support Services and Suicide Prevention Services are coordinated through CAREinMIND. While a mental health treatment plan is not required, creating one does provide additional useful information for the receiving clinician and a legitimate source of income for the referring clinician. Referral forms are available here.

Psychosocial Support, Dual Diagnosis and AOD services are accessed directly through the provider. Use the System of Care search tool to navigate to the appropriate NWMPHN commissioned service provider. Or alternatively via HealthPathways, which includes PHN and state-funded services:

Where can I get more information?

HealthPathways Melbourne Heal;thPathways Melbourne

  • HealthPathways Melbourne has links to pages on assessment and management of depression and anxiety in adults. These pages also include links to a number of patient assessment tools and resources for patients.
  • HealthPathways Melbourne also has a page that outlines the process to assess mental health conditions in young people. Please note – this page is not yet adapted for Melbourne, therefore the referral links will not be local.

If you do not have access to HealthPathways please contact

Disclaimer: This article was provided by NWMPHN. While every effort has been made to ensure the information is accurate, North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network does not warrant or represent the accuracy, currency and completeness of any information or material included within.