COMPASS: Connecting mental health paediatric specialists and community services – poster

North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN), in partnership with The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) Health Services Unit and Mental Health team, piloted an integrated system approach to strengthen paediatric mental health care and reduce to burden on specialist services and hospitals in the NWMPHN region. The result was a project called COMPASS – “Connecting … Continued

Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool

This is a link to the Australian Government’s Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool for mental health consultations.

Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool – Snapshot

This document provides a snapshot of the Australian Government’s  Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool for mental health consultations.

Primary Health Networks mental health care guidance – initial assessment and referral for mental health care

This document provides guidance to Primary Health Network on establishing effective systems for the initial assessment and referral of individuals presenting with mental health conditions in primary health care settings.

CAREinMIND™ posters

CAREinMIND™ provides free mental health services for people in north western Melbourne. These posters will help you promote the services.

Mental Health Treatment Plans – A guide for health professionals 2022

Patients with a mental health condition, including those with a chronic or non-chronic diagnosis, benefit from structured management of their treatment needs and referral to appropriate services. Mental Health Treatment Plan (also known as a Mental Health Care Plan) must be completed when referring a patient to a psychiatrist, psychologist, eligible social workers or occupational … Continued

Head to Health information for service providers

Whether you’re trying to improve your own sense of wellbeing, looking for help with something that’s bothering you, or helping someone you care about, Head to Health is a good place to start. Visit for more information.

Head to Health FAQs for GPs

Whether you’re trying to improve your own sense of wellbeing, looking for help with something that’s bothering you, or helping someone you care about, Head to Health is a good place to start. Visit for more information.

Head to Health social media assets

Whether you’re trying to improve your own sense of wellbeing, looking for help with something that’s bothering you, or helping someone you care about, Head to Health is a good place to start. Visit for more information.

Head to Health email signatures

Whether you’re trying to improve your own sense of wellbeing, looking for help with something that’s bothering you, or helping someone you care about, Head to Health is a good place to start. Visit for more information.