The Victorian Department of Health has published new healthcare worker contact and assessment guidance for general practice clinics.
The required furlough time for GPs and general practice staff who are close contacts has been reduced from 14 days to 5 in most cases (provided they are wearing appropriate PPE and are vaccinated).
As well as furlough protocols, this new guidance provides clear advice on what PPE general practice staff should wear. It sets the standard for all Victorian general practices and Public Health Units to follow.
The new guidance follows extensive advocacy from North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network, along with many GPs and other health care organisations.
We are currently working with our Clinical Council, General Practice Expert Advisory Group and others to better understand the implications of this new guidance for general practice. If you have feedback on the new guidance, please send it to for our consideration.
We are continuing to advocate for a telephone hotline for health professionals to quickly access advice on exposure sites and information about their patients with COVID-19.
General practices and other primary care providers can request PPE including P2/N95 masks using the PPE request form available on our website.
More information is available in our 7 October 2021 e-bulletin and on the Victorian Department of Health website.