Rashes in children (16 April 2024)

Are you a clinician working in an urgent care setting such as a priority primary care centre (PPCC), or have an interest in urgent care? This session will provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the diagnosis and management of paediatric rashes, ensuring the best possible care. Session resources Presentation slides … Continued

Improving childhood asthma (ICAM) community of practice – session 4 (27 March 2024)

The CoP provides an opportunity for all asthma care providers managing children to come together to improve their clinical knowledge and confidence. The sessions build the confidence of clinicians to access resources and services to better link patients into the system. Session resources Presentation slides part 1 and part 2 Cohealth community asthma program referral … Continued

Catch-up immunisation for adults, children and refugee populations (19 March 2024)

Session resources PHN refugee immunisation update  My Health Record presentation HealthPathways presentation Cancer Council presentation Under 10 CGD Template.docx 10-19 CGD Template.docx Over 20 CGD Template.docx Immunisation Resources: Calender converter ​ Translate apps​: Google translate app,  Apple Translate App​ Translated resources​: https://www.healthtranslations.vic.gov.au/resources/vaccine-side-effects​ Assessing immunisation status: ​https://immunisationhandbook.health.gov.au/contents/catch-up-vaccination#assessing-immunisation-status ​ Principles of Catch-up vaccination:​ https://immunisationhandbook.health.gov.au/contents/catch-up-vaccination#principles-of-catchup-vaccination ​ Catch-up resources:​ Catch-up resources | Catch-up vaccination | The Australian Immunisation Handbook … Continued

Identifying and treating depression in general practice (6 March 2024)

Attendees will gain insights into recent research for addressing depression, and develop an understanding of the specific pharmacology associated with evidence-based psychological therapies. Session resources Presentation slides HealthPathways presentation slides RANZCP Mood Disorders Clinical Practice Guidelines Beck’s depression Inventory Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) Referral Form for the NWMPHN Referral and Access Team

Understanding the role GPs play in community palliative care (14 March 2024)

In this webinar you will learn the role GPs have in community palliative care, and how you can work with local providers to achieve the best outcomes for patients. Topics include common medications and prescribing doses, and navigating difficult conversations. Session resources Presentation slides Visit NWMPHN’s palliative care webpage for resources, service information and education … Continued

Gastrointestinal Illness in children (29 February 2024)

Are you a clinician working in an urgent care setting such as a priority primary care centre (PPCC), or have an interest in urgent care? This session is designed for priority or urgent care clinical staff or clinical staff with an interest in this area and will provide the knowledge and skills needed to excel … Continued

Western Health Integrated Pain Service – a new model of care for the West (28 February 2024)

This webinar will introduce the Western Health Pain Service new model of care. It will provide an update for GPs and community allied health on the care of chronic pain patients via a multidisciplinary approach. An outline of the services and will be provided to improve quality of life for patients with chronic pain and … Continued

Improving Childhood Asthma Management (ICAM) Community of Practice – session 3: Back to school (31 January 2024)

This community of practice (CoP) session will focus on Asthma Action Plans (AAPs), including how and when to do them, and barriers health professionals face in completing them and/or communicating with schools. There will be case studies and a section on understanding the difference between exercise-induced asthma, and poor fitness. Session resources Presentation slides Updated … Continued

Supporting people affected by the current crisis in the Middle East (12 December 2023)

This session will provide GPs and primary care providers with key information on clinical considerations and impacts of trauma for refugees. Session resources Presentation slides Australian Islamic Medical Association flyer (English and Arabic) Priority Primary Care Centre flyer – English Priority Primary Care Centre flyer – Arabic Foundation House Gaza briefing

Child mental health community of practice – session 6: Gender diversity (5 December 2023)

This child mental health community of practice (CoP) is a multidisciplinary CoP for clinicians including but not limited to GPs, practice nurses, psychologists, paediatricians, mental health clinicians, social workers and counsellors. Session resources Presentation slides HealthPathways Melbourne presentation slides Emerging Minds checklist for allied health services Emerging Minds checklist for GPs and paediatricians Australian Standards … Continued