Getting to know congenital syphilis in general practice

Sexual health is critical to the good health and wellbeing of patients, and so needs to be included in everyday primary health care practice. With a little training, GPs and nurses can manage it well.

Congenital syphilis: responding to the Victorian Chief Health Officer Alert

Victoria continues to experience an upsurge in syphilis in 2022. Sexual health is critical to the good health and wellbeing of patients, and so needs to be included in everyday primary health care practice. With a little training, GPs and nurses can manage it well.

Getting to know gonorrhoea in general practice

Sexual health is critical to the good health and wellbeing of patients, and so needs to be included in everyday primary health care practice. With a little training, GPs and nurses can manage it well.

Getting to know chlamydia and Mycoplasma genitalium in general practice

Sexual health is critical to the good health and wellbeing of patients, and so needs to be included in everyday primary health care practice. With a little training, GPs and nurses can manage it well.

Increase the number of HPV self-collection tests completed for eligible women (webinar 14 April 2021)

Practice level support session for practices participating in the cervical cancer stream of the Maximising Cancer Screening During COVID-19 Quality Improvement Project. Presented by Jenny Jones (Cancer Council Victoria) and Dr Wendy Pakes (VCS Foundation).

Syphilis, hepatitis B and common skin problems in pregnancy (webinar 23 March 2021)

By the end of this session you will be able to: identify and manage syphilis and hepatitis B in pregnancy better diagnose pregnancy related skin problems improve the management of common skin conditions in pregnant women.