Rotarix vaccine to replace RotaTeq vaccine from 1 July 2017

  27 June 2017  Department of Health…   |   Third party content – view disclaimer

Following a recent Commonwealth government tendering process, Rotarix vaccine is to replace RotaTeq vaccine from 1 July 2017.

  • The oral rotavirus vaccine Rotarix. given in a 2-dose schedule at 2 months (from 6 weeks) and 4 months of age, will replace RotaTeq vaccine from 1 July 2017.
  • This means the oral rotavirus vaccine will no longer be required at the 6 month old schedule point.
  • Rotarix age restrictions apply. The 1st dose must be administered prior to 15 weeks of age and the 2nd dose prior to 25 weeks of age.
  • During the brand switch period, some infants may potentially receive fewer doses than routinely scheduled when using the RotaTeq brand.

Rotarix vaccine stock

  • Prior to July 2017, start to reduce your stock of RotaTeq vaccine in preparation for receiving Rotarix vaccine later in June.
  • The vaccine will not be pre-allocated, as a rotavirus order is received, you will automatically receive Rotarix vaccine from late June.
  • Clinics must take into consideration that the course is a 2 dose rather than a 3 dose course so you will not need as much stock for the month’s use. 
  • Only local council immunisation services will receive the RotaTeq vaccine stock after July until remaining stock is used.

Disclaimer: This article was provided by Department of Health and Human Services. While every effort has been made to ensure the information is accurate, North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network does not warrant or represent the accuracy, currency and completeness of any information or material included within.