Renaming of clinical referral pages on HealthPathways Melbourne coming soon

HealthPathways Melbourne
  14 July 2021  NWMPHN   

In response to feedback from GP users, HealthPathways Melbourne is changing how we name our referral pages.

We expect these changes to be live across our platform in August.

The most noticeable change users will see to our referral pages are the page titles. Other smaller changes will be undertaken within the referral pathways to simplify the presentation and access to key information.

Our current Immediate referral pages will be renamed “Acute referrals (<24 hrs)” and our current Urgent or Routine referral pages will be renamed “Non-Acute referral (>24 hrs)”.

These new terms have been selected as GPs reported that this terminology more clearly reflected their understanding of urgency and alignment with the information on the pages.

HealthPathways Melbourne values GP feedback and recognises that it is a vital to the continuous improvement of the platform.

Please keep sending your feedback through using the feedback button at the top right-hand corner of any page so we can continue to make HealthPathways Melbourne better work for you and your practice

Are you a GP or health professional in our region who doesn’t have access to HealthPathways Melbourne? Request access online or contact