Reconciliation in action: our 2021–2023 Innovate RAP

Artwork for our Innovate Reconciliation Action plan by Bayila Creative.
  25 August 2021  NWMPHN   

North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network is proud to release our Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) for 2021–2023.

This second Innovate RAP builds on our achievements so far and reaffirms our commitment to reconciliation, and our vision to improve health outcomes in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Relationships and respect are key to achieving our Innovate RAP goals. Through this RAP we will strengthen our collaboration with Aboriginal community-controlled and community-led organisations and continue to support programs that promote the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across our region.

Our RAP is led by a RAP working group with a whole of organisation approach to help us deliver our RAP activities.

“We look forward to strong, effective, empowering collaborations as we continue working to make reconciliation practices intrinsic to our organisation.” Adj/Ass Prof. Christopher Carter, CEO NWMPHN, said.

As a Primary Health Network we are well positioned to create opportunities for our local health community to provide equitable, accessible and culturally sensitive health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Activities in this RAP include refining our engagement framework to provide effective, appropriate, and culturally sensitive principles to guide our work. We will also develop an employment plan, creating recruitment opportunities and ensuring that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are well-supported in our workplaces. Activities will include the engagement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities through consultation, and by working with Aboriginal owned and led businesses and organisations. These voices will inform our work and create opportunities for innovation.

Our new RAP has been designed by Dixon Bayila, at Bayila Creative. Dixon had only just begun his design business when he created our last innovate RAP. We are proud to see his artwork on many high-profile designs from ice-cream packaging to festivals since then. You can read all about the significance of our RAP artwork on page 24 of the RAP.

 View our 2021-2023 Innovate RAP on our website or for more information email