Approximately 75 per cent of Australian women with ovarian cancer are diagnosed at an advanced stage. This is the harrowing statistic that Victorian Primary Health Networks are aiming to help change with the launch of the new ovarian cancer pages on HealthPathways Melbourne.
In 2020, approximately 1,600 Australian women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer. GPs may not see many cases of ovarian cancer per year, so easy access to agreed and consistent guidelines, and knowing who and where to refer patients in one place is crucial to a patient’s cancer journey.
Aligned with the nationally recognised and endorsed Optimal Care Pathway, the ovarian cancer pathways provide guidance and resources on how to identify and act on the early signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer.
Written by GPs for GPs, in collaboration with specialists, the pathways are considerate of the realities of a busy general practice, as well as local policy and procedures. GPs and their practice staff can be confident that the pathways are fit-for-purpose and evidence informed.
This February is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. We encourage GPs to check out the ovarian cancer HealthPathways to identify and support patients with suspected or established cancer in the community. Specifically, the pathways cover:
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