GPs in the North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network region are invited to become a member of the Evaluation Advisory Group for the Optimal Care Pathways HealthPathways Project.
On behalf of the Victorian and Tasmanian PHN Alliance (VTPHNA), North West Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN) has commissioned ARTD Consultants in partnership with the University of Melbourne School of Population and Global Health to perform an evaluation of the Optimal Care Pathways (OCP) HealthPathways.
This one-year evaluation will examine the implementation of Tranche 4 of the OCP HealthPathways project across the six Victorian based Primary Health Networks (PHNs): North West Melbourne, Eastern Melbourne, Gippsland, Murray, Western Victoria and South Eastern Melbourne.
Our evaluation team hope to find a GP who is willing to participate on anEvaluation Advisory Group to ensure that the evaluation is relevant and informed by multiple perspectives.
The evaluation advisory group will be comprised of approximately six members and will include representatives from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), VTPHNA, general practice and PHNs.
Role and timing of the Evaluation Advisory Group
Key roles include:
- to provide critical comments on the evaluation design
- to contextualise the findings of the evaluation; and
- to provide critical commentary on the policy, practice and research implications for the OCP HealthPathways based on the evaluation.
The Evaluation Advisory Group will meet twice over the one-year evaluation for a duration of 60 minutes. The meetings would be held after business hours or at a time most suited to the group at the NWMPHN premises in Parkville. All meetings will be conducted in alignment with Victorian COVID-19 social distancing guidelines. If we are not able to hold face-to-face meetings, these meetings will be held over video conference.
Participating GPs will be remunerated with an hourly rate for their time.
Next steps
If you are interested in participating please email or telephone ARTD Consultants using the details below by COB, Friday, 10 July 2020:
Brad Astbury, Director
ARTD Consultants
Ph: (02) 9373 9951
Rachel Aston, Manager
ARTD Consultants
Ph: (02) 9373 9930