North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN) is investing $540,000 to provide and support early career clinical placements for post-graduate mental health students.
Organisations are encouraged to apply for a funding grant that will allow them to provide placement opportunities for students. There are six grants available, of up to $90,000 each.
During their time with the funded organisation, students will be involved in the delivery of low intensity mental health interventions. These are defined as services that:
- Are targeted at lower intensity mental health needs within a stepped care approach for people with, or at risk of, mild mental illness
- Provide evidence–based psychological intervention
- Offer the right frequency and volume of service to meet the needs of people with, or at risk of, mild mental illness
- Provide an efficient and less costly alternative to higher cost psychological services available through the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS)
It is expected that these low intensity interventions would be free of charge to the consumer.
Evidence shows that long-term, low intensity mental health services are more sustainable for the health system and will ensure a better future for people with mental illness and their families.
As part of the tender process, it is expected that organisations will describe how they intend to develop new relationships or leverage existing relationships within the education sector to recruit students.
Organisations will also be required to describe their capability in on-boarding students, appropriate governance, supervision and capability to support students to meet the key components associated with student placements.
Applicants are encouraged to submit innovative tenders and will need to register and apply through Tenderlink. Visit for more information.