Launch of ‘Telehealth and our mob’ podcast series

  29 March 2021  NWMPHN   

North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN) in partnership with the Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) and Dardi Munwurro are pleased to announce the launch of a series of podcasts that examine the use of telehealth by the Aboriginal community in Melbourne.

The podcasts were developed through consultations with local Aboriginal community health workers and community members as well as mainstream mental health professionals, with the aim of providing mental health providers key messages on engaging the Aboriginal community through telehealth.

The series consists of seven episodes that cover essential themes:

  • Episode 1 – The Aboriginal community and their experience with telehealth
  • Episode 2 – Approaches to engagement with the Aboriginal community
  • Episode 3 – Individual needs
  • Episode 4 – Barriers to using telehealth
  • Episode 5 – Privacy
  • Episode 6 – Cultural Safety
  • Episode 7 – Messages to mainstream mental health providers

“Telehealth can be a great way to improve access to health care, but people need to feel comfortable with using telehealth to get those benefits,” said Brad Pearce, Director of Priority Populations Health and Wellbeing at NWMPHN.

“We hope these podcasts help increase providers’ confidence and knowledge to deliver culturally safe services via telehealth.”

The podcasts feature interviews with a diverse cross section of the local Aboriginal community.

“I wanted to make sure that the needs of Elders, women, men, LGBTIQA+ community members and youth were given a voice” said producer Carol Harrison.

“I found that not everyone has the same needs. This can be a challenging area but if the barriers can be overcome there are potentially great advantages for the community through engaging with telehealth.”

The podcast series is now available on iTunes and Spotify.

For more information contact:

Brad Pearce, NWMPHN
03 9347 1188

Jay Estorninho, Dardi Munwurro
0422 059 975

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