This article was originally published in Star Weekly, Brimbank North West – 3 August edition. Written by Tara Murray.
A new campaign is aiming to say goodbye to COVID-19.
The North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN)has released a video which encourages people to get vaccinated.
The video shares the message in 21 different languages, as the NWMPHN tries to reach as many people in Melbourne’s north-west as possible.
NWMPHN chief executive Chris Carter said the network wanted to connect with the community and get the message out there.
“The area we cover is one of the most culturally diverse areas in Australia,” he said.
“We want to encourage the CALD [culturally and linguistically diverse] community to take up the vaccines and increase the overall vaccine effort.
“It’s relatively easy to do the messages in written form and translate, but we thought we would get the personal engagement with having people speaking in other languages and share with their community.”
Professor Carter said NWMPHN had worked with 60 people to put the videos together to make sure they were getting the right message across.
He said the reaction so far had been really good.
“We’ve circulated it far and wide on Twitter, Facebook and social media.”
Professor Carter’s biggest message is to encourage people to talk to their doctor or health professional and work out what is best for them.
“We can then say goodbye to COVID.”
Details: nwmphn.org.au/for-community/campaigns/goodbye-covid/