Improving child asthma management in the west: EOI open for general practice

A young child using an asthma inhaler under supervision from a practice nurse.
  7 September 2022  NWMPHN   

North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network is funding up to 4 general practices in Melbourne’s west to complete a quality improvement (QI) project led by Safer Care Victoria (SCV).

The project aims to improve service coordination and communication across the asthma care system by developing and utilising new care pathways.

Expressions of interest are open to practices in Hobsons Bay, Maribyrnong and Brimbank. Those which undertake the project will receive a $5,000 (+GST) incentive payment, workshops with subject matter experts, support to complete an accredited RACGP CPD activity and more.

Background information

The QI project is part of a Victorian Department of Health initiative called ‘Improving Childhood Asthma Management (ICAM) – Inner West’. This comprises 6 interlinked projects designed to shift the asthma care system towards improving diagnosis and management of childhood asthma in the region.

SCV is leading 2 of the 6 projects:

  • Developing and promoting integrated care pathways that improve service coordination and communication across all participants in the asthma care system. These aim to ensure patients and their families receive the right information and care at the right time in the right place.
  • Establishing a community of practice that promotes cross-sector collaboration and communication, and builds relationships, knowledge, trust and efficiencies across the local asthma care system.

About the QI project

This 9-month project provides opportunities for general practices to:

  • co-design care pathways with different parts of the health care system to improve asthma care for patients in the west
  • test improvement workflows that improve integration in the asthma care system
  • complete an accredited RACGP CPD activity
  • participate in workshops with subject matter experts from the Royal Children’s Hospital and Asthma Australia
  • build continuous quality improvement capability and meet the requirements for the Practice Incentives Program Quality Improvement payment.

Participants can also choose to join the community of practice project to share cases and discuss best practice with local clinicians and specialists from the Royal Children’s Hospital.

How to apply

For more information or to apply for this EOI, visit

Applications close at 12pm on 21 September 2022.