North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network is seeking expert input from general practice and registrars about changes to the Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) workforce planning and prioritisation (WPP) program.
The AGPT program is a postgraduate vocational training program for medical practitioners and registrars wishing to pursue a career in general practice. It is offered by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM).
When a GP registrar has successfully completed the AGPT training, they become a ‘fellow’ and register as a specialist general practitioner with the Medical Board of Australia.
The WPP program has been created to support GP College-led general practice training through the provision of robust, independent evidence-based information on planning and prioritisation of GP Registrar placements to meet GP workforce needs.
To understand trainee and supervisor experiences and explore ways to improve fellowship pathways, and meet the needs of medical professionals, NWMPHN has been asked to consult with priority stakeholders to gather qualitative insights about GP workforce needs and the capacity practices to supervise and train GP registrars. We are particularly interested in local area challenges and solutions.
To do this, we are holding online focus group consultations across the 3 NWMPHN catchments. This session is suitable for anyone who is currently working as, or with a supervisor or medical educator in general practice including practice managers and practice nurses and registrars. General practices who may be interested in becoming a supervising general practice are also welcome. Your attendance and input are valued and will be used to inform this project.
Three 90-minute online sessions will be held on:
- Monday 25 March, between 5:30pm and 7pm for general practices located in the northern suburbs.
- Tuesday 26 March, between 5:30pm and 7pm for general practices located in the western suburbs.
- Wednesday 27 March, between 5:30 and 7pm for general practices located in the CBD and inner suburbs.
To take part, please register here by emailing education@nwmphn.org.au by Friday 22 March or for any enquiries please call and ask for Peita Price, Manager Workforce Development on 93471188. Remuneration is available in line with our stakeholder reimbursement policy.