The HealthPathways Melbourne (HPM) program aims to improve health outcomes for our community by connecting consumers and clinicians through seamless web-based pathways of care. HPM is jointly operated by Eastern Melbourne and North Western Melbourne Primary Health Networks (PHNs). To ensure that the HPM program objectives are achieved, the role of the HPM Strategic Advisory Group is to:
- Advise the HPM Executive Group on high level strategy in relation to the HPM program;
- Manage strategic interventions with external stakeholders on behalf of the HPM program; and
- Provide strategic direction to operational activities.
The HPM Strategic Advisory Group meets bimonthly on Fridays from 8:30 – 10:30am. GP attendees will receive a sitting fee for the two-hour meeting, plus preparation time. A copy of the Terms of Reference for the HPM Strategic Advisory Group is available to download (.pdf, 417kb).
We invite GPs who are interested in joining the HPM Strategic Advisory Group to send a letter addressing the selection criteria, as well as a resume, to info@healthpathwaysmelbourne.org.au by COB Thursday, 4 October.
GP EOI selection criteria: Strategic Advisory Group member
- Registered general practitioner in the Eastern or North Western Melbourne region.
- Knowledge and understanding of the health service system, and contemporary health policy issues in both primary care and the acute sector.
- Understanding and supportive of the role of Primary Health Networks in Victoria.
- Ability to contribute as an informed General Practice professional perspective representing the interests of General Practitioners.
- Ability to engage with wider General Practice networks (e.g. RACGP, AMA).
- Leadership and advocacy skills with an ability to effectively participate within a strategic committee environment.
- Ability to identify and address inter-sectoral care, service gaps and integrated care pathways.