Free screening at Craigieburn Junction BreastScreen

  17 June 2022  BreastScreen Victoria   |   Third party content – view disclaimer

Since Craigieburn Junction BreastScreen opened last year, BreastScreen Victoria has been providing more breast screens in Craigieburn and its surrounding areas.

While many locals have been using the service, a portion of the community has not attended the clinic for their regular breast screen.

Craigieburn Junction BreastScreen has state-of-the-art facilities and caring and highly-qualified staff. It also offers the latest digital imaging technology.

All breast screens are free, performed by a friendly female radiographer and takes only 10 minutes. A breast screen can find cancer as small as a grain of rice, before they can be seen or felt. Most breast cancers found early can be treated successfully.

BreastScreen Victoria would greatly appreciate the support of local general practices and other health services to promote Craigieburn Junction BreastScreen to eligible clients aged 50-74 years. The service is located at Level 2, 420-440 Craigieburn Road, Craigieburn Junction (access is via Aitken Boulevard).

For any enquiries, please contact Danika, Health Promotion Officer, at or on (03) 9660 6886.

Disclaimer: This article was provided by BreastScreen Victoria. While every effort has been made to ensure the information is accurate, North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network does not warrant or represent the accuracy, currency and completeness of any information or material included within.