Free eLearning to help practices with refugee and asylum seeker healthcare

  23 March 2018  NWMPHN   

The north western Melbourne region is currently the highest settlement region for refugees and asylum seekers in Victoria. General practice plays a key role in supporting new arrivals, who often have complex needs due to interrupted healthcare prior to coming to Australia, or who have come from regions with higher burdens of specific disease. 

North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network, in collaboration with South Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (SEMPHN), and the Victorian Refugee Health Network (VRHN) has developed a suite of free eLearning modules to support general practice to deliver high quality care to refugees and asylum seekers. 

The five video lessons are available on SEMPHN’s Practice Coaching website

Registering is quick and free. All participants are issued with a certificate of completion at the end of each module which can be used to demonstrate CPD.