Are you a GP working in a residential aged care facility (RACF)? Have your say on the issues accessing psychological services in RACFs.
The Commonwealth Government has provided funding to Primary Health Networks to commission new mental health services for older people with mental illness who reside in residential aged care facilities. More information is available in this one page information sheet.
This initiative is not intended to duplicate dementia support services; State Government funded older persons’ mental health services or psychiatry services.
North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network is undertaking an initial enquiry to help understand the context for RACFs in the region and issues associated with accessing psychological services for older people with mild to moderate mental health issues. This will help to inform a further consultation to design the service model for the region. Surveys are being undertaken with facilities, residents, carers and GPs.
The survey will take no more than 10 minutes to complete. This is a great opportunity to input into the development of this new model.