North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN) has partnered with Health Issues Centre to convene a COVID-19 vaccination forum for disability workers and carers.
Are you a disability worker or disability carer? Do you have questions about the benefits of vaccination, or the comparative risk factors associated with different vaccines? Do you live or work in the NWMPHN region?
Then this forum on Tuesday, 24 August 2021 is for you.
Our guest speakers are Professor Anne Kavanagh (Chair in Disability and Health, Melbourne University) and Dr Nadia Chaves (Infectious Disease Physician, cohealth).
About this event
This forum is specifically for disability workers and disability carers who live or work in the local government areas listed above. Your participation in the forum is your opportunity to voice your concerns and be heard on these and other matters relevant to COVID-19 infection prevention and vaccination.
We have convened this event to listen, understand, and respond to your concerns about work safety and the role that vaccination has to play in protecting you and your clients.
Disability workers have not been prioritised as essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic and receiving vaccination information that is relevant to your work situation has been confusing.
The forum will address the efficacy and safety of all the vaccine options and the unique dynamics of your workplace working with vulnerable members of the community.
At the forum you will receive:
- accurate information about vaccine options, efficacy, and safety
- information about your eligibility for the vaccines and how to get vaccinated
- answers to your specific queries.
Date: Tuesday, 24 August 2021.
Time: 12:00pm to 1:15pm AEST.
Platform: Zoom (webinar).
We invite you to register for this free event and to promote it to your fellow colleagues and contacts.