Changes to Closing the Gap Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme Co-payment program

  7 June 2021  Australian Department of…   

Reforms to the Closing the Gap Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme Co-payment Program were announced on 12 June 2020, as part of the Seventh Community Pharmacy Agreement.

Some of the changes being implemented from 1 July 2021 are:

  • Any PBS prescriber can register eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people for the Program if they are not already registered.
  • PBS prescribers will no longer be legally required to write or electronically print ‘CTG’ on eligible PBS prescriptions for registered Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. However, annotation of a PBS script will help Community Pharmacies and Section 94 Approved Private Hospital pharmacists know that the patient is registered for the program, when dispensing the medicines.
  • General Schedule PBS prescriptions issued by PBS prescribers within public hospitals will now be eligible for the Program, provided they are dispensed by a community pharmacy or Section 94 Approved Private Hospital pharmacy.

The fact sheets below provide more detail in regards to the Program reforms for various stakeholder groups:

Also included is a Frequently Asked Questions document covering all stakeholder groups.

Please note that the Australian Department of Health’s Closing the Gap PBS Co-payment Program webpage will reflect current arrangements up to, and including, 30 June 2021. The new arrangements will be reflected on the Department’s webpage from 1 July 2021 onwards.