Suicide Prevention Australia invites submissions of abstracts for presentation at our National Suicide Prevention Conference 2020.
If you’d like to share your ideas, research, or latest thinking on suicide prevention at the most significant sector conference of the year then here is your chance. Submissions are due by 5:00pm AEDST on Friday, 6 December 2019.
The 2020 conference theme, One Voice – One Vision reflects the need for a unified approach in our quest to reduce suicide rates. The five program streams for 2020 are policy, research, programs and services, innovation and priority populations.
Submissions will need to prepare a justification statement, highlighting important concepts and facts to explain the presentation’s contribution to the conference theme and program streams. Submissions need to address the four items below:
- Importance to the advancement of suicide prevention;
- Alignment to conference theme – One Voice – One Vision;
- New information – what new and/or novel approaches, initiatives or research is being presented?
- Inclusion of lived experience of suicide
Submission Guidelines
The invitation to submit is for short poster presentations, workshops, oral presentations, soapbox speeches and three-minute thesis presentations.
Short Poster Presentations: Poster presentations allow for interaction with the audience and for presenters to answer questions one-on-one. Each five-minute oral presentation will be accompanied by a poster which will be on display for the duration of the conference.
Workshops: Workshops have a practical focus and need to be interactive, with time for participation and discussion with those in attendance. Workshops will be scheduled for either 60 or 90 minutes.
Oral Presentations: Oral presentations showcase evidence-based solutions, bold ideas and community-led innovation. There are options for presentations which could include a 20 minute allocation with 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions from the audience, a half hour symposia, 5 minute rapid-fire style presentation and the involvement in a panel discussion.
Soapbox Speeches: Soapbox speeches will be scheduled during break times and should aim to stimulate discussion or be provocative (following principles of safe practice in suicide prevention). Presenters will be allocated 5 minutes to present as they wish.
Three-minute Thesis Presentations: Three-minute theses presentations are open to students and early career researchers, providing an opportunity to discuss their research in a way that is accessible to people outside of their field as well as provide the audience with a quick overview of a current research. These will be included as part of the workshop offerings.
Further information is available on the Suicide Prevention Australia website.
By Suicide Prevention Australia.
Disclaimer: This article was provided by Suicide Prevention Australia. While every effort has been made to ensure the information is accurate, North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network does not warrant or represent the accuracy, currency and completeness of any information or material included within.