Better health outcomes for people with blood-borne viruses: tools for primary care

Promotional image for the LiverWELL app
  5 July 2021  Victorian HIV and…   

The Victorian HIV and Hepatitis Integrated Training And Learning (VHHITAL) program has released a three-part webinar recording: Tools for wellbeing.

GPs, nurses and other primary health care practitioners are encouraged to watch the recording to learn about new tools for people living with blood-borne viruses.

The LiverWELL app and PozQoL Scale are discussed by local GPs and S100 prescribers, and health experts from LiverWell (incorporating Hepatitis Victoria), WHO Collaborating Centre for Viral Hepatitis, Living Positive Victoria, and the Australian Research Centre in Sex Health in Society, La Trobe University.

Find out all you need to know about the new tools that empower people with chronic conditions to engage with their self-monitoring and health maintenance.

Watch the recordings to find out more about these tools and support your patients to use them – so that people with a chronic blood-borne virus condition can enjoy better health and wellbeing.


More information about the VHHITAL program is available on our website.