Dear Colleagues,
Early diagnosis of COVID-19 enables cases to be quickly isolated, helping to limit community transmission. Furthermore, COVID-19 can be minimally symptomatic in its early stages. Ensuring the public can easily access COVID-19 testing facilities is therefore an important public health response to this unfolding pandemic.
In completing this short survey, you will enable researchers to better understand the barriers to performing COVID-19 testing on-site at general practice clinics. These findings will help policy makers implement changes to better support clinics and the communities they service.
Your participation is voluntary and survey is completely anonymous. Whether you are a GP, practice nurse or practice manager, your opinion is valuable to us. To access the Plain Language Statement (PLS) and consent form followed by the questionnaire, please click here.
This study has received Deakin University ethics approval (Ref No: HEAG-H149_2020), and consists of the following team members:
Dr. Monirul Haque
A/P Deborah Friedman
Prof. Eugene Athan
Dr. Ahmed Ferdous
Jarnah Miller
Jake Linke
Cody Dixon
If you have any questions regarding this study, please contact the Principal Researcher of this project, Dr. Monirul Haque on mobile: 0422 346 609, or email:
Disclaimer: This article was provided by Deakin University. While every effort has been made to ensure the information is accurate, North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network does not warrant or represent the accuracy, currency and completeness of any information or material included within.