A GP’s guide to getting the most out of the National Cancer Screening Register Healthcare Provider Portal

National Cancer Screening Register logo.
  26 May 2022  Dr Jeannie Knapp,…   

The portal provides GPs and other health care providers with quick and easy online access to your patient’s cervical and bowel screening information.

What is the National Cancer Screening Register?

The National Cancer Screening Register (NCSR) keeps a single electronic record for each person in Australia participating in cervical and bowel screening.

The 3 main functions of the NCSR are to:

  • provide a history of screening results
  • send invitation and reminder letters to participants
  • provide a safety net for when a person is at risk.

What can you do in the Health Care Provider Portal?

Through the portal you can:

  • search for a patient and view their test results and screening histories at any time
  • submit information and forms to the National Register (cervical and bowel-related program forms)
  • view and update your patient’s details
  • Opt out, defer or cease your patient’s correspondence for either bowel or cervical programs
  • nominate other people to assist your patient (such as a personal representative or another health care provider)
  • request kits for the bowel program.

Who can use it?

Access is for health care providers who provide cervical or bowel screening services for program participants, including:

  • GPs
  • nurses
  • specialists such as colposcopists, gynaecologists and gastroenterologists
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health care practitioners.

How do you access the National Cancer Screening Register?

Registered health providers can access participant information for the National Cervical Screening Program and National Bowel Cancer Screening Program through:

  • integrated software: Best Practice Premier, MedicalDirector and Communicare integrate directly with the NCSR. Visit the NCSR website for more information and to register your practice.
  • PRODA and the Health Care Provider portal (see below)
  • the Contact Centre.

The introduction of the Healthcare Provider Portal and software integration provides an alternate way to interact with the National Register to reduce paper, fax and phone calls, while also making it easier for healthcare professionals to submit information.

Need access to the Health Care Provider Portal?

The Health Care Provider Portal allows those with a provider number and a Provider Digital Access (PRODA) account to access the National Register directly through an online portal.

To get access:

  1. Register and set up a PRODA account.
  2. Either Log in directly on PRODA (choose NCSR) or through the NCSR website.
  3. On your first visit you will need to link your provider number to access the NCSR.
  4. Navigate the NCSR as required.

Visit the NCSR website for a user guide and a link to the portal.


More information

You can also contact the North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network Primary Health Care Improvement team on (03) 9347 1188 or email to primarycare@nwmphn.org.au

HealthPathways Melbourne