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Continuing Professional Development
The COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdowns from 2020 - 2021 had a significant impact on the delivery of usual healthcare. The unprecedented circumstances of the past two years have resulted in cancellations of routine healthcare and deferment of usual medical care.
This interactive webinar on deferred care which is the first of a series of deferred care sessions will explore the impact of deferred care on younger population aged between 20 – 30 years’ old and explore the following health topics:
- Immunisations,
- STIs,
- Mental Health
The session will include information on statistics, particularly for the NWMPHN catchment , highlight key targets and provide achievable strategies to implement in order improve care in the younger patient cohort (aged between 20 – 30 years’ old) in areas of immunisations, STIs, and mental health conditions.
The session will also provide resources and information on available services to connect with for support, referral, and further information.
The education event is being presented by Dr Jeannie Knapp and Natalie Simpson-Stewart
Dr Jeannie Knapp is a GP and practice owner working in Richmond. She has been a GP for 25 years – initially in NZ, moving to Melbourne in 2005. She is passionate about General Practice as a standalone specialty and sees a broad range of clinical issues. She teaches medical students and has a QI lead role in her practice. She is also the clinical advisor to the Primary Health Care Improvement team at the NWMPHN – a role that she enjoys as an opportunity to look at Primary Health Care in a big picture way
Natalie Simpson Stewart is an experienced practice nurse with 15 years of nursing experience in various settings including Defence, community settings and primary care. Natalie has a passion for CDM, utilising digital health and tools to efficiently manage patient care, and has a longstanding history of successful immunisation clinics.
This session is not one to be missed!
Learning outcomes:
As a result of attending this session, participants will be able to:
- Describe data relevant to younger population NWMPHN catchment for immunisations, STIs, and mental health conditions.
- Apply strategies to improve health outcomes of younger adults relevant to immunisations, STIs, and mental health conditions
- Identify suitable services and resources relevant to immunisations, STIs, and mental health conditions for younger population groups.