Request for tender: Early interventions for healthy ageing project

North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN) invites applications from eligible general practices to deliver the Early interventions for healthy ageing project.

Applications close at 12pm (AEST) on Friday, 12 May 2023.

About the project

The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care has funded primary health networks (PHNs) to support older people to live at home for as long as possible. This will be achieved through commissioning early intervention activities and models of care for chronic disease management to support healthy ageing and reduce pressure on hospitals, aged care and other health services.

NWMPHN’s project will:

  • Examine how to establish and implement an effective multidisciplinary approach to prevention and management of chronic conditions in general practice that considers the social determinants of health.
  • Engage people aged at least 50 (or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged at least 35) at risk of or with chronic conditions to optimise their physical health, medication management and mental health ways that matter to them.
  • Support older people to stay well and connected in the community, and to reduce unplanned hospital and aged care admissions.
  • Provide flexible block funding to complement Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) fee-for-service funding, enabling an improved multidisciplinary service at no cost to patients.

The project will run until 30 June 2025, with the potential to extend based on outcomes, reform directions and available funding.


The total funding pool available for general practice providers is approximately $3,500,000 (ex. GST). Practices with successful tender applications can receive up to $350,000 (ex. GST) over the 2-year project period.


To participate, providers must be accredited general practices in the NWMPHN region. 

Victorian community health services, including those with a general practice, are not eligible to participate in this project. This is because of established additional funding streams that already support universal access to multidisciplinary care for priority populations in these services. 

Please note funding cannot be used for services that are claimable under the MBS.

How to apply

NWMPHN will use its online procurement system, Tenderlink, to accept applications for this project. Visit to get started.

Please refer to this fact sheet (.pdf) for information on how to register for Tenderlink, and who to contact for support.

Market briefing session

Communication and enquiries

All communications and enquiries in relation to this request for tender must be directed using the online forum function on Tenderlink. NWMPHN’s responses will be shared with all registered applicants.

In exceptional cases for questions that necessitate divulging commercially sensitive information, practices can email

For more information on communication and enquiries please refer to Part B: How to apply of the request for tender document available on Tenderlink.