Could you help guide NWMPHN’s mission to transform primary health care across its 3,200 square kilometre catchment?
Our organisation uses advice and feedback from community members to guide its work in creating effective and equitable physical and mental health supports for the 1.9 million people it serves.
One important body through which this happens is our Community Council, which meets four times a year. Its members reflect different voices, backgrounds and beliefs, and play an integral role in directing our work and community participation.
We currently have a vacancy on the Council to replace a retiring member. Applicants must live in any of the 13 local government areas within the NWMPHN catchment.
This opportunity is for an independent consumer, and is open to anyone living in the catchment who can provide insight and direction on the unique needs of the community in our region.
Members are appointed for an initial two-year term, with the option of extension. They are remunerated for their time.
To learn more about NWMPHN’s advisory bodies and how they operate, please see this NWMPHN webpage.
For more details and to apply, please see this EOI document (.pdf).
Applications close on Friday, 6 September 2024.