Turning Point COPE program
July 2017 – June 2026
$224,152 ex. GST per year
Concurrent Treatment of PTSD and Substance Use Disorder Using Prolonged Exposure (COPE) is a statewide program offering treatment of co-occurring PTSD and substance use disorders to women aged 25 years or over. Treatment is delivered by a team of specially trained psychologists.
COPE delivers counselling, case management, care planning and coordination and psychosocial services.
Visit the Turning Point website for more information.
Trauma focussed AOD support: The program adopts an evidence-based model of care that concurrently addresses complex and severe psychological distress of women with PTSD and substance use comorbidities.
Upskilled health professionals: Improved GP capacity and other aligning community health and welfare services to respond to complex co-occurring trauma and substance use issues.
Strengthened service relationships: Relationship building with aligning services enabled the service to meet intersectional and complex client needs.
Psychosocial funding grant: The program received two rounds of psychosocial grants for 2023-24 and 2024-25. This is designed to enhance the capacity of the AOD program, specifically to support individuals with psychosocial issues and AOD comorbidities.
Page updated 22 October 2024.