LGBTIQ+ Suicide Prevention Trial Evaluation
18 December 2019 to 30 September 2021
North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN) commissioned Impact Co. to evaluate the LGBTIQ+ Suicide Prevention Trial in the NWMPHN region.
The evaluation examined the effectiveness of the overall design and consultations process, NWMPHN’s progress in meeting objectives of the key interventions and how they contribute to the evidence base for LGBTIQ+ suicide prevention.
The process produced 7 project-specific evaluations, and one overall Trial evaluation. Impact Co also supported the development of Trial Guides for the Mentoring and Aftercare programs, and Affirmative Practice Training to support trial sustainability.
The overarching evaluation found that the Trial:
- was designed effectively, accurately reflecting the needs of LGBTIQ+ communities and the state of the mental health and suicide prevention service system in the North Western Melbourne region. This was driven by the co-designed, systematic and evidence-informed approach adopted to design the trial
- delivered effectively using a Collective Impact model
- effectively met the needs of the LGBTIQ+ communities and suicide prevention service system in the NWMPHN region.
Copies of the reports for the Trial and the 7 project-specific evaluations are available below.