We’ve made every effort to ensure our website reaches AA-standard accessibility according to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
We are always looking for ways to improve, so if you have any difficulty accessing parts of this site, or have any suggestions about enhancing access, please email contact@nwmphn.org.au
Please note that all links to external websites will launch a new browser window.
Responsive design
Our website is mobile-friendly and built for viewing on multiple platforms, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets and smartphone devices.
Accessibility tools
Tools to help people with a disability access the internet are categorised as either ‘hardware’ or ‘software’.
Various hardware tools can help people with disabilities to use a computer keyboard or mouse. For example, refreshable braille displays help blind people to read a computer screen line-by-line and joysticks and trackballs help people with motor disabilities to use a computer mouse.
Alternative keyboards with limited keys can help people with motor disabilities to use a computer keyboard. There are many different types of alternative keyboards available – visit the Independent Living Centres Australia website for more information.
Software tools can also help users interact with computers in ways that best suit them.
Screen-reader programs such as JAWS can convert a website into a braille display, or convert it to audio for people who are blind, visually impaired or have dyslexia.
Screen magnifier programs magnify sections of a computer screen for people with vision impairments. See Windows Screen Magnifier.
Oversized cursor software can help people with vision impairments use a computer cursor. This software is available as standard in some newer operating systems and from other software providers.
On-screen keyboards combined with switching devices can help people with motor disabilities to use a computer keyboard.
Programs that slow down applications can assist people with motor disabilities. See CPU Killer.
All images contain alternative (ALT) text. This is displayed when the site is visited with images ‘off’ and voiced by screen readers. The null (or empty) ALT attribute used for ‘non-functional or brand-type’ images should be ignored by screen readers.
Tables and forms
Forms and tables use accessibility features that enable them to be used with screen readers.
The JavaScript used has been designed to be accessible to most assistive technologies in common use today. However, JavaScript is used to show or hide portions of some pages. When these pages are accessed with devices that support this function, all information will be presented.
Converting PDFs
The Adobe website has a tool and instructions for converting PDFs into web pages. It works with most, but not all PDFs. However, the conversion can take some minutes.
The information above has been adapted from Multimedia Victoria and the websites of the various commercial browsers.