Applications are now open for the Wesley LifeForce suicide prevention Train the Trainer course.
The object of this four-day course is to provide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community workers with the skills and knowledge to provide suicide prevention workshops in their communities.
The trained Aboriginal workers will be part of a Victoria-wide network of 16 workers who will provide workshops across the state. The Victorian Primary Health Networks are funding the training, including travel and accommodation costs if required to attend the training.
Apart from the value of supporting and educating communities to respond to suicide risk in their communities, the trained workers will gain insight into their communities’ experiences of suicide which could provide valuable insight for planning and development of responses to suicide risk factors in the future.
Please read the outline of the Wesley LifeForce suicide prevention program which describes how the program has been adapted for Aboriginal Communities and the attached flyer with application details.
Outline (.pdf, 81KB)
Flyer and application details (.pdf, 387KB)
To apply to participate in the program, please have your employer complete and return the authorisation letter included in the above flyer. Register online here.
Course details:
28 – 31 October
Radisson on Flagstaff Gardens Melbourne