Would you like to lend your voice to local issues in the North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN) region?
Are you keen to impart your knowledge as a speaker, mentor or educator for your peers?
Have you always wanted to contribute to the PHN but can’t commit to an ongoing role?
Then our primary care think tank is for you!
NWMPHN is seeking primary care providers of all professions to join a primary care think tank for our region.
We are seeking a pool of people to provide advice and input into the work of NWMPHN. There are a range of opportunities to get involved such as joining working groups, participating in consultations or tender panels, being involved in education sessions, providing advice on resources we’re developing to support primary care, and to mentor. We are also looking for people who would like to contribute to our General Practice News.
Registering your interest does not mean you are obligated to contribute to every project. We will send you opportunities and you can choose when to get involved and to what extent. In some cases, remuneration is available.
If you are interested in any of the above or in becoming involved, please fill in the form below. If you have any questions, please contact the Primary Care Improvement Team on primarycare@nwmphn.org.au or 03 9347 1188.