Working Together for Kids – Pilot of an outreach paediatric service for vulnerable children in primary schools in Wyndham
June 2022 - July 2024
This project will deliver collaborative, triaged, and culturally safe paediatric services to children aged between 5 and 12. The aim is to encourage families with primary school aged children to access paediatric care where otherwise not available because of long wait-times and other access–related issues. This will help identify and manage areas of developmental delay, and provide early intervention through integrated care with the family’s GP and allied health practitioners. This model of care will improve the physical and mental health of children experiencing social, economic or health disadvantage.
The expected outcomes of this project include:
- improved physical, social, and emotional health of primary school aged children through early identification practices and access improvement strategies
- building the capability of school staff and families to recognise, report and refer children requiring services and support for common health issues among primary school aged children
These include:
- respiratory issues
- oral health issues
- behavioural and mental health difficulties
- developmental delay.
- improved access to paediatric care and allied health for disadvantaged primary school children and families in Wyndham
- increased local service integration through collaborative care coordination and shared case conferencing to improve the health and wellbeing of children
- building the evidence base for a school-based model of care for children experiencing health vulnerabilities.